Best Buy Thanka Print, Longevity Tara; 18" x 25"
The art of thanka painting plays a major role in the Tibetan tradition of visionary revelation. Sacred images transcend language and the rational mind, bearing knowledge and manifesting wisdom and compassion. Thankas (paintings of deities and symbols, meant for meditation and awakening mind, senses and heart) do not simply hold the mirror up to nature, but reveal through imagery, color, proportion and symbolic detail, the nature and landscape of the human mind. The figures of deities and their postures, gestures, colors, ornaments and spatial relationships communicate a depth of experience and subtlety of understanding that represents human nature in its ultimate manifestation. Thanka Print on Acid Free Paper of Longevity Tara 18"x25" High value print, beautiful colors Most images are printed into a frame - either red, gold or brocade. Mother of all Buddhas
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